Flower Of Life

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The birth of a new blog in the blog world

I have always read my many friend's blogs and be amazed that they pour in so much of what goes around in their life in their blogs.For me,it seems more like writing a diary.Blogs are online diary,aren't they?Diaries are supposed to be a secret,or so i thought before getting to know the BLOG.

When I am given a diary,i will fill it up in the beginning enthusiatically every single day.And as the time passes by,i will begin to feel bored and the diary will end up being my notebook.I still do fancy having a diary these days but i know i won't be writing much in them.I guess i am a lazy person.However, i do have a new diary for the 2006 given by my friend and insurance agent,Suraenan Raj or more fondly known as "Mama".And i can't wait to start writing in them and i promise to myself that i won't stop writing in it this time.

But now that i have decided to start a blog of my own,what's gonna happen to my diary?Just lie like that in my drawer?Pity my new diary.

Oh ya,wondering why i had started my own blog?
Because i am curious and want to find out what's so great in having a blog since many of my friends have one.It seems like a trend nowadays.Also to share with my friends what's happening in my life.Nothing great i can assure you.
I'm typing so slow right now as i am not using any short forms that i normally use when i type a mail or message.A major breakthrough!Trying to make a good impression on my 1st posting.Hahahaha!

It's 6.26pm and i am seating next to Tini in her office.(IH)She would be going to brickfields later to get some stuff and we will have our dinner at Naga's Restaurant.Right now,it's one of my favourite indian restaurant as it's very classy and cosy.Will ta pau for my sister her dinner.It's quite pricey so watch what you order.

Just made up my mind that i would be getting my double decker bed today.It's the cheapest i could find.RM200.Free delevery as the shop is exactly opposite my apartment.I had surveyed the furniture shops in Puchong and elsewhere,where the cheapest i could find was RM280 and above.On top of that,RM50 for delivery.Shucks man!!!!!

Am also gonna get a 2 door wardrobe from Carrefour.It costs RM159.90.Free delivery within 30km but it's DIY.Meaning i got to fix the cupboard myself.Tini,Su and my boyfriend are definetely gonna help me out as i can't possibly fix the whole cupboard all by myself!

Missing my bf right now.It's gonna be 1 week since i last saw him.He has been busy with his 2nd bro's wedding preparation.He wanted to come and see me today but i told him not to.Told him to come and see me on Sunday.Wanna go out somewhere nice for makan makan.And yes dating.2+1.Well,what the hell?When we go out anywhere,it is dating.What else can it be?Duh!!!!Nutty me!

Any place to be recommended?Not so pricey please as i gotta save alot this month!Spending so much for the double decker bed and wardrobe already.Budget lari.Plus there's this new year celebration to think of!!Argghhhh!!!!

Will continue watchin my Harry Potter & the Goblet Of Fire DVD tonight before i sleep.It's the 3rd day today i am continuing to watch it.Still not finished.

Feeling quite sleepy and lazy.It's gonna rain soon.As always.Rains every night.Cosy to sleep at night.


I guess it's the end of my 1st posting.Will try to make my posts more fun and interesting.It's a learning experience.

And guess what,i won't be typing full and proper English in my next post!Short forms i miss you!!!!!

To my friends,thanx for reading my blog and i hope you will read it daily and get sick and bored of it soon!

P/S:Missing Su



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