Flower Of Life

Thursday, December 15, 2005


I lurrrrveeeee chocolate....yummmy!They can simply perk up ur mood n make u feel betta wen ur havin one of those bad days...n guess wat,they r gud 4 ur heart too!

A chocolate a day keeps the doctor away!

Throughout history chocolate has been associated with romance and sharing.

And i found about tis website wic offers u a wide range of knowledge related to chocs: http://www.finedarkchocolate.com/Chocolate_News/index.asp

an article taken frm da net goes like tis:

Just in case you need an excuse to eat chocolate, new research shows that the flavonoids present in dark chocolate may help reduce heart disease. Scottish scientists measured platelet function in volunteers who ate 100 grams of either white chocolate, milk chocolate or dark chocolate. (The clumping of platelets can contribute to the narrowing of arteries.) White chocolate had no effect on platelets, milk chocolate had a mild effect, but dark chocolate reduced one type of platelet clumping by 92 percent. Dark chocolate contains 70 percent cocoa, compared to 25 percent in milk chocolate and 0% in white chocolate.

In another study done at the University of California in San Francisco and published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, researchers had volunteers eat 46 grams of high-flavonoid dark chocolate or low-flavonoid dark chocolate for two weeks. In those who ate the high-flavonoid chocolate, the arteries were better able to dilate, which would help increase blood flow.
If you're going to indulge your chocolate cravings to improve your heart health, be sure to eat dark chocolate, avoid chocolate that contains hydrogenated oils and be moderate! Too much sugar will outweigh any benefits you might get from the flavonoids.

But for now,all i wanna say is:Go spoil urself wit chocolates!
Im gona indulge myself wit a bar of afta lunch...wanna join me?


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