Flower Of Life

Monday, December 12, 2005

Back to work

Im bck to work after a 2 day off!sat was a OK day as i was at PWTC taking care of da LUCT booth fer da KLIB WEEK....(Kuala Lumpur International Batik)....left my apmy bout 8.45am...took da lrt frm bgsr to masjid jamek n changed to Star lrt to ptwc...had 2 ask sum ppl around on hw 2 get into pwtc n wic is da pwtc building...:P
reached pwtc by 9.30 n mawi was oledi ther...went up 2 da 2nd floor wher the batik thingy was goin on.....
basically our booth was on the timeline of batik..the history of batik...hw batik n wher it originated frm n da evolution of batik...
everythin was so olourful n flashy n bright ther except fer da luct booth wic obviously as u can guess by now was BLACK in colour....so contrast 2 everythin ther...everythin had da essence of batik except fer batik...da onli thing nice about our booth was da bed furnishing wic was not black....colourful fer once!
we were jes standing ther walkin around n lookin at da other booths n wat they displyed ther..a kebaya top was on my THINGS TO BE BOUGHT list but im nt gona get it tis month as my budget is tight...the stuff they were selling at da KLIB was bit cheaper than outside....
a few cyberjaya staff came but they went down to da education fair at level 1...so me n mawi were basically alone ther....faiz n wilson(or isiit vincent?)frm cyberjaya did spend sum time wit us up ther....wilson n datuk parid(i think)were very nice by giving me n mawi advices on hw 2 upgrade ourselfs n etc....:)...
the fashion show stage was jes next to da entrance of KLIB exhibition so we were lucky....
all da models were famous ones...AMBER CHIA was even ther!she looked so tall,sleek n sexy!!!!i was kicking myself for nt bringin my camera but my bf had borrowed it fer his bro's wed.....
besides Amber Chia,i saw Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz,Governor of the Fund and the Bank for Malaysia and Our ex-queen...da wife of our Agong who passed away few years bck wen he was still ruling...she was looking young as alwiz as she was onli 29 years old n slimmer....she was very humble n nodded her head at us wen we stood up n nodded our head as a sign of respect wen she passed by our booth....she onli had 1 bodyguard wit her....
fer lunch,we helped ourselfs to the huge buffet they had prepared fer da KLIB....yum yum yum!!!!!the fud was simply delicious!!!!we didnt even get to eat like tis wen we went fer da MID(Msian Board of Directors)event at ShangriLa hotel last week...
mawi went bck at 4.30pm as he sed he wanted 2 go 2 da office...i cabut at 5.30pm as it was rainin outside..plus the bed tat i had ordered was suuposed to arrive at da shop today..
i had called the furniture shop guy twice 2 c if the bed he had ordered frm da supplier had arrived in his shop....
it was drizzling n i reached my apmt at bout 6pm,called da furniture guy 2 tell him tat im home oledi.meanwhile waitin fer him,i cleaned up da rum n took out da mattresses to da hall....made sum space 2 fit da bed....
after da guy left,i swept n mopped da whole apmt...wen i was wiping da dust away frm da bed,i noticed tat da metal of a part of the bed was not stuck properly....so i called up the guy n he said wil call n inform the supplier on mon or tues n he wil replace tat defect part....
wil call up da guy after tis n remind him bout da bed....if he says he is comin 2 hav a look at da bed,i wil ask him 2 come at bout 6pm....

to be continued after lunch....

After Lunch:
burp!went n ta pau vege fud wit tini,deepz n navin....ate like a pig as alwiz....so hungry coz neva take bfast....
called up da furniture shop guy n he told me the supplier wil b sendin da replacement bed by today or tom...not 2 wori...hehehehe....

on sat,my bf came n met me...fer dinner,i brought tini along....tini hasnt socialized wit my bf b4...called her up n asked wat she was doin n if she was missing me...she had jes finished winning a bid on ebay...tini n ebay!oh god!!!!!!she won a bid fer a 6megapixel camera fer jes rm700+.tats so cheap!tats da advantages of buyin on ebay as u get 2 buy stuff really cheap..
well,as i was saying....i told tini 2 get redy in 20 min time n i fetched her...i was cravin fer sweet apam but the shop was closed..:(....so tini recommended MAHBOOB(wrong spelling im sure...:P)in bgsr....i mkn nasi lemak wit sambal kerang...my fav...it was expensive-rm5!..my bf took rice wit mutton kheema n sayur-rm5....tini took mee hoon goreng pedah-rm3.....i belanja them...:P....after i announced tat dinner is on me,my bf jokingly sed tat if he knew i was goin 2 treat them,he wud hav taken nasi briyani or smthg expensive...hahahahaha...:P...too bad la darling...lolx....
as we were walkin towards da car parked in fron t of da restaurant,my bf n tini noticed tat da car was slanting 2 one side...n hey presto!guess wat?the right back tyre was punctured!must have been bcoz of smthg sharp as the tyre was ok onli wen we parked 30 min ealier....
so my bf changed da car tyre wit tini helping him abit...as u knw,i stil dun have my car license yet,so hw can i knw bout changing tyres all?
i was holding da umbrealla over their heads...it was drizzling a bit....
i was basically freaked out as i had no experience like tis...tini was reassuring me tat it was ok n no big deal...well,u knw me rite?tension fer nutin all da time....:P
the tyre was changed in 30 min time....the 1st stop was the petrol station as the air in the spare tyre was nt much....ramesh pumped air into all 4 tyres n i was so relief....
it was nineish oledi,so we rushed 2 da bgsr pasar mlm...
my bf bought buttered corn in cup fer all of us n sugar cane juice....
i was lookin fer sum scarf...cudnt find any nice black ones....i saw 1 but it was too grand fer wrk...:P
at 9.45pm,my sis called...went n fetched her frm pantai medical centre n went 2 drop off tini....we hung around fer a while at da nasi lemak stall at tini's apmt while my sis ate her dinner ther....
sis is nt feeling nw...having flu n fever....
missin ramesh very much nw....he is wrkin til 3pm today as he is havin futbol tournament today evening....company's 'frendly' tournament...
tats all fer now....too boring til im tellin ALL IN A DAYS LIFE OF JEE..
i wonder wher did tini n su went coz they r missin frm their ofis?

shall post a blog tom....



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