Flower Of Life

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Lazybones day

Today is thursday.wat does it mean?means i didnt post anythin in my blog yday....too lazy n didnt hav anythin 2 post...malas!malas!malas!

im stil lazy today....its lazybones day nowadays...wont b havin so much of free time like tis fer long...new intake is on 16th jan...wil b pretty bz soon....hmm...not pretty but UGLY i sppose as we have 2 prepare alot...orientation,lesson modules n all kinds of crap..plus we have 2 prepare da building itself!as we r now onli using da ground n 1st floor,we have yet 2 open up da 2nd n 3rd floor...theres alot of renovation to be done...im sure WE r gona do da painting...tats was happened in cyber wen the cyber campus was to be opened...da lecturers,tutors n staff ther r da ones who painted da classrums,arranged da tables n chairs n everything!tis is LIMKOKWING!...lecturers n tutors n not onli 2 teach but oso 2 do all kinds of jobs....

im complaining n at da same time im nt complaining...huh?am i crazy or wat?...comparing my job wit my frens,i shud b very thankful....most of my frens who r wrkin in da advertising n design world r practically pulling their hair out wit da wrk tension n da sucky pay...advertising n design world is a hell of a job place 2 b...they dun pay much n u wrk long hrs...no OT summore!i dun wrk long hrs or anythin..wen da clock is sharp at 5pm,i clock out...we have meetings n stay up once in a while if theres anythin...but most 2 most tat ive stayed up is til 7.30pm...i dun wanna go bck late nite as its dangerous....not scared of ghost or anythin but theres been sum snatch theft n robbery cases around here...plus rape cases happen alot nowadays....even though i carry a pepper spray im nt sure it ll b gud enuf as by da time i take it frm my bag or anythin.......jes hav 2 b careful all da time...

lecturing is nice...well,i find it enjoyable..i can get mean...:P...u get 2 bully da students n give them loads of asgmnts u c...muahahahahahahaha!...jes jokin...:P

heard theres gona b a 3 week orientation....who does orientation fer 3 weeks man?crazy!!!!!nitemare!havin a 10 dy orientation b4 tis itself was sucky.imagine 3 whole weeks!!!

called up janice n wished her hepy burfday tis morning!miss her loads...wil b meetin up wit her fer a mvie or smthg next week or after xmas..tat woman is invisible ever since she started wrking....gonna bug her every week frm next week onwards...:P

ramesh is at KK currently...wil b takin da flight bck home tonite or tom...hopefully he finishes his job today....

was readin da star paper online as alwiz n got scared wen i read tat an AirAsia aircraft had a scare when two of its tyres burst upon touching down at the KK international airport here late on Tuesday.ramesh took a flight to KK yday frm miri...he travels all da time n does board on Air Asia flights sumtimes...

wen he called me up i told bout the news n he told me he didnt take Air Asia as it was fully booked...its alwiz fully booked as its fare prices r super low...plane wil b super crowded as well n they dun give u drinks or fud during da flight....

am hungry now....im alwiz hungry...had a tuna sandwic wic i bought yday at Baker's Cottage frm SS2...tumpang da sandwic yday in tini's fridge.....wil go out fer lunch wit tini at 1pm as she has class....wil b temaning her 2 subang today as he as sum stuff 2 b done....

jes surfing fer sum online journals...cant seem 2 find anythin nice....gettin bored n sleepy here....*yawn*

thinking bout lunch......wat shud i have later?


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