Wishing if cud turn back time…
Flashback to 1 year ago.An image of me wearing INFORMAL,FUNKY,n COLOURFUL clothes flashes in my mind. Am sitting in my majoring class-Media Innovation n busily chattin away wit my frens. Another flashback shows me engrossed in the making of my final year project. Gosh!I miss my student time!Very very very much!How I wish I can turn back time.Where living your life was a pleasure and each day is looked upon eagerly.Missing loads of stuff.
Comparing my life to back then, everythin is a total opposite. I could get up late if I had noon classes, dun attend classes if im too lazy(once in a while of coz!),now I have to get up as early as 6.45am for work. Lazy or not, I have to get my ass off da bed!
In uni,theres thousands of faces to be seen. In my workplace, there’s onli about 30,excluding if I had to go to the cyberjaya campus and my students of coz!
I get to see my bf everyday, have lunch wit him everyday n b wit him all da time…now tat we r both bz wrking, we hardly get to see each other. Most to most,once a week…n time is limited as my place is an hour plus drive from his home.
I lived in the uni hostel for all my 4 years of uni life. The internet was FOC(free of charge) 24 hours. Now tat im renting a room in an apartment, I onli use dial up wic is very slow. I do however use the internet at my staffrum n lab wen eva im free at work becoz by the time im bck from wrk,im jes too lazy n tired to go online n use the so slow net connection.n we had servers in uni.wher u can download almost anything u want.name it. latest mp3,music videos, movies, softwares,games,games,fonts, installers, etc. da mp3’s downloads in a few seconds onli.tat fast!i used to have every single latest tamil songs in my pc.we have live streaming of movies,music videos n oso tv. I used to watch TV3 news at 8pm every nite on my comp.spend the Sundays watchin tamil dramas on NTV7 on my comp.download flash cartoons such as happy tree frens.download tv series such as friends(all season),desperate housewifes,the OC..u name it!download advertisements from overseas.i burn all tis stuff n kep them.now I haven’t used my burner fer ages.
I would choose n decide wat 2 wear to class the day b4 or in the morning. Standing at my cupboard, I would ponder over my various coloured clothes tat can be the colour of the day. I LOVE COLOURS!BRIGHT,STRIKING N FUNKY COLOURS!pink esp!now the onli colour I CAN wear is black!!!!UUGHHHHH!!the corporate colour of tis college.can u imagine urself wearing black to work everyday n seeing everyone around u in black as well?looks like sum funeral doesnt it?so dark n gloomy.everythin in tis campus here is black-the building,walls,floor,tables,etc….now wen eva I go shopping,my eyes look for onli black…so tat I can wear it for work…my colourful clothes r sleepin in my cupboard…I go out once in a while onli so u can say tat my rarely worn clothes will soon b eaten by bugs.grossssssssssss!!!!!!!
I had so much of free time back then!now I rarely have time for myself.i finish work at 5.journey back to my apartment wil b about 30min.i reach my apartment by 6pm.i take my bath.soak my clothes n wash them(daily!).watch Chinese TVB drama from 6pm-7pm.continue wit another Chinese drama at times.watch news at 8pm.then wateva shows they have on tv.or any cd or dvd.by 10.30pm ill b on my bed.sumtimes I go out after work wit my colleagues, Tini n Su.follw them bck after work,have dinner and they wil send me back to my apmt.
Tats my routine every single day.gosh!i seriously have no life!same thing everyday!i duno wat else to do except to follow it.
Im becoming such a boring n unsocial person…?
I stay up til 1-4am everyday wen I was in uni.wil b online like almost 24hrs a day.checkign my mails 1000 times a day jes bcoz im online n I duno wat else to do.chatting wit my uni frens even if they were stayin in the hostel block next to mine.downloading crap.
Stayin up late to complete my asgmnts. cracking my head to get ideas to do my tvc,3d,website,etc. I used to complain tat I hav loads of asgmnt bck then.now I dun mind even if I had 3 times of those asgmnt compared to my workin life. Even tho I was busy,I enjoyed my life. Now,busy or not, I am definitely not enjoyin my life. Everyday the is the same thing. Wat do u expect me to enjoy?
I dun go out often now to.my sis is bz wrking on weekends wen im off. Plus sat is a halfday wrkin day fer me. I dun go bck home often as I wud have to come bck the next day as mon is a working day. traveling back home is tiring. Wen u work, weekends r looked upon to have a gud rest, sleep long and do wat eva u wanna do like cleanin up or watchin tv fer hours.
If onli a fairy asked me what wud I wish for, I wud wish for the time to be turned back. 3 years if can. Back to the younger days of my studying time.
I wud neva whine or complain over the workloads n assignments. I would gladly do them.happily.
I wud make gud use of my free time. Learn to appreciate time. Do loads of stuff.
The onli thing I wud say tat im gaining now tat im wrking is the money.wen I was studying, I had to spend wisely as I hav to buy many art materials,spend on printing artwork n posters n etc. As I depended on my government loan, I made gud use of the extra money tat I had after paying the tuition fees to support my needs monthly. Unlike my bf who was in engineering, he cud spend his extra loan money on shopping and a new hp while I stuck to my 1st hp til now-nokia 3310.i had to save money as I knw I wud need it a lot to do my assignments. I have yet to buy a new hp.tis year mayb.
I wud go to temple once in a month at least wit my bf.now,I haven’t been to a temple for months!i do pray at home anyways.
Hangin out wit frens in the uni esp the hostel was the best. Talking stories til late nite.i miss all my uni frens…?…
I miss my uni very very much!its da best uni I think..since ive onli studied in 1 uni tats y…lolx….but seriously,I think MMU rocks!
My lecturers rawks as they r da happenin n fun crowd.
We had trips to remember. Fun times in class. Lotsa laughter.lotsa worried n stressed n tensed moments wen we doin assignments.
Clearly the best times in my life where my uni life.There’s no doubt about that.Nutin can ever replace the experience.Enjoyment.Feeling.
I wud alwiz treasure those time. Remember. Miss .
I hope I get to do sumthin interesting in my life tis year. Sumthin I can enjoy. Sumtin I can relax about. Tat can make me wind. Make me say I can stil live young. And enjoy life while u can.
And I cross my fingers n hope.
Comparing my life to back then, everythin is a total opposite. I could get up late if I had noon classes, dun attend classes if im too lazy(once in a while of coz!),now I have to get up as early as 6.45am for work. Lazy or not, I have to get my ass off da bed!
In uni,theres thousands of faces to be seen. In my workplace, there’s onli about 30,excluding if I had to go to the cyberjaya campus and my students of coz!
I get to see my bf everyday, have lunch wit him everyday n b wit him all da time…now tat we r both bz wrking, we hardly get to see each other. Most to most,once a week…n time is limited as my place is an hour plus drive from his home.
I lived in the uni hostel for all my 4 years of uni life. The internet was FOC(free of charge) 24 hours. Now tat im renting a room in an apartment, I onli use dial up wic is very slow. I do however use the internet at my staffrum n lab wen eva im free at work becoz by the time im bck from wrk,im jes too lazy n tired to go online n use the so slow net connection.n we had servers in uni.wher u can download almost anything u want.name it. latest mp3,music videos, movies, softwares,games,games,fonts, installers, etc. da mp3’s downloads in a few seconds onli.tat fast!i used to have every single latest tamil songs in my pc.we have live streaming of movies,music videos n oso tv. I used to watch TV3 news at 8pm every nite on my comp.spend the Sundays watchin tamil dramas on NTV7 on my comp.download flash cartoons such as happy tree frens.download tv series such as friends(all season),desperate housewifes,the OC..u name it!download advertisements from overseas.i burn all tis stuff n kep them.now I haven’t used my burner fer ages.
I would choose n decide wat 2 wear to class the day b4 or in the morning. Standing at my cupboard, I would ponder over my various coloured clothes tat can be the colour of the day. I LOVE COLOURS!BRIGHT,STRIKING N FUNKY COLOURS!pink esp!now the onli colour I CAN wear is black!!!!UUGHHHHH!!the corporate colour of tis college.can u imagine urself wearing black to work everyday n seeing everyone around u in black as well?looks like sum funeral doesnt it?so dark n gloomy.everythin in tis campus here is black-the building,walls,floor,tables,etc….now wen eva I go shopping,my eyes look for onli black…so tat I can wear it for work…my colourful clothes r sleepin in my cupboard…I go out once in a while onli so u can say tat my rarely worn clothes will soon b eaten by bugs.grossssssssssss!!!!!!!
I had so much of free time back then!now I rarely have time for myself.i finish work at 5.journey back to my apartment wil b about 30min.i reach my apartment by 6pm.i take my bath.soak my clothes n wash them(daily!).watch Chinese TVB drama from 6pm-7pm.continue wit another Chinese drama at times.watch news at 8pm.then wateva shows they have on tv.or any cd or dvd.by 10.30pm ill b on my bed.sumtimes I go out after work wit my colleagues, Tini n Su.follw them bck after work,have dinner and they wil send me back to my apmt.
Tats my routine every single day.gosh!i seriously have no life!same thing everyday!i duno wat else to do except to follow it.
Im becoming such a boring n unsocial person…?
I stay up til 1-4am everyday wen I was in uni.wil b online like almost 24hrs a day.checkign my mails 1000 times a day jes bcoz im online n I duno wat else to do.chatting wit my uni frens even if they were stayin in the hostel block next to mine.downloading crap.
Stayin up late to complete my asgmnts. cracking my head to get ideas to do my tvc,3d,website,etc. I used to complain tat I hav loads of asgmnt bck then.now I dun mind even if I had 3 times of those asgmnt compared to my workin life. Even tho I was busy,I enjoyed my life. Now,busy or not, I am definitely not enjoyin my life. Everyday the is the same thing. Wat do u expect me to enjoy?
I dun go out often now to.my sis is bz wrking on weekends wen im off. Plus sat is a halfday wrkin day fer me. I dun go bck home often as I wud have to come bck the next day as mon is a working day. traveling back home is tiring. Wen u work, weekends r looked upon to have a gud rest, sleep long and do wat eva u wanna do like cleanin up or watchin tv fer hours.
If onli a fairy asked me what wud I wish for, I wud wish for the time to be turned back. 3 years if can. Back to the younger days of my studying time.
I wud neva whine or complain over the workloads n assignments. I would gladly do them.happily.
I wud make gud use of my free time. Learn to appreciate time. Do loads of stuff.
The onli thing I wud say tat im gaining now tat im wrking is the money.wen I was studying, I had to spend wisely as I hav to buy many art materials,spend on printing artwork n posters n etc. As I depended on my government loan, I made gud use of the extra money tat I had after paying the tuition fees to support my needs monthly. Unlike my bf who was in engineering, he cud spend his extra loan money on shopping and a new hp while I stuck to my 1st hp til now-nokia 3310.i had to save money as I knw I wud need it a lot to do my assignments. I have yet to buy a new hp.tis year mayb.
I wud go to temple once in a month at least wit my bf.now,I haven’t been to a temple for months!i do pray at home anyways.
Hangin out wit frens in the uni esp the hostel was the best. Talking stories til late nite.i miss all my uni frens…?…
I miss my uni very very much!its da best uni I think..since ive onli studied in 1 uni tats y…lolx….but seriously,I think MMU rocks!
My lecturers rawks as they r da happenin n fun crowd.
We had trips to remember. Fun times in class. Lotsa laughter.lotsa worried n stressed n tensed moments wen we doin assignments.
Clearly the best times in my life where my uni life.There’s no doubt about that.Nutin can ever replace the experience.Enjoyment.Feeling.
I wud alwiz treasure those time. Remember. Miss .
I hope I get to do sumthin interesting in my life tis year. Sumthin I can enjoy. Sumtin I can relax about. Tat can make me wind. Make me say I can stil live young. And enjoy life while u can.
And I cross my fingers n hope.
At January 06, 2006,
Uma said…
i think its the same for each and everyone of us..its really horrible isn't it, same routine every day and i dont have any close frens nearby...only the money is good. Uni was FUN !!!!! Even after 8 months, I'm still thinking of life in campus every day..:( what to do?have to move on..right?
At January 10, 2006,
Chrixean said…
I miss school life, especially after having a taste of the real life! And to think my only real problems back then were figuring out what I should wear that day to school, how to get my crush (es) to notice me, how to wing my exam... And to think those were end of the world problems then! Gosh. Then you graduate, work, get married. Then you experience REAL LIFE. *sigh*
Oh well.
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