Flower Of Life

Friday, April 14, 2006

Image tagging

Saw tis tag game in Chrixean blog and decided to try it as it sounded fun.

Here's how it goes:

1. Choose a search engine.
2. Pick 5 random blogfriends.
3. Think of a word or phrase that you describes each friend.
4. Do an image search of that word or phrase.
5. Pick an image to represent your friend - share it.

In this round, I'm choosing to tag onli 4 ppl instead of 5 and im posting images for Shuresh,Uma, Nalin and Kameeni.

Here they are:





Im not tagging anyone,but guys can try it!Its fun u knw...:)


  • At April 15, 2006, Blogger FRIDAY'S CHILD said…

    Nice image tag. Don't think can manage that right now. Happy Easter!

  • At April 15, 2006, Blogger Nlndr said…

    nice sketch.

    I love it!


    will do the tag soon.

  • At April 15, 2006, Blogger Viamarie said…

    I like the hotdog image. Very funny indeed.

    Hope you have time to check out my blog. Thanks.

  • At April 17, 2006, Blogger Chrixean said…

    The pics you chose were cool! Glad you enjoyed doing it :-) I'm tagging you for another game. Check it out when you can.


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